Monday, October 21, 2019

Post #860

The days of events are whimsical as ever. In a span of a month, I was almost thrown with an idea of a child losing her parents. The ideology was imprinted into my head, that ultimately death is an eventual process for everyone. Unless you are some immortal beings, where context of time, life, and death does not exist. Reality as follows, trying to come into terms with it does hit me quite badly.

However, things for now seems to be stabilize for awhile. But for how long? Soon, this pain will arise again and I have to faced it truly. I'm really thankful for people around that supported me in the time of need, always making sure I am okay or if I needed any assistance. Well dad, I guess my "strong" support will give you confidence to accept your treatment plans. I still want you to see me graduate from my Uni, and well if is ever possible. Me getting married off.

I wasn't the best daughter, nor was I the worst. Yet with my flawed character you still loved me unconditionally as best as a father could. As Asians, we do not openly speak of love and affection out-rightly. I just want you to know, I love you too papa. Please don't leave me yet.

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