Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Contact Lens: Be Luxury Babe 45 Brown/Choco

Almost a year ago I blog about Be Luxury Babe 45 Black 
which you can read HERE.

Today I'm back with a new post on Be Luxury Babe 45 Brown/Choco.
Same Blister pack but with a new print.
The color is closer to Black instead of Brown, but compared to 45's Black 
this pair of lens is still lighter in shade.
Side by side comparison for the iris enlargement.

On the blister pack it stated that the lens is 17mm diameter. 
Personally I feel that the lens is only 15mm diameter.
When worn on both side.

Overall the lens are very natural looking especially for people who are lazy to put on makeup.
 Some lens designs without the enhancement of makeup can be very unnatural looking.
Bare face :3

If I'm free I might come back with other Contact lens post, I brought quite a number of new pairs last week :x

Okay BYE!

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