Sunday, April 7, 2013

In need of a break...

Working too hard lately as if trying to cover back all the lost time I made during the short holiday. Maybe it's all the people coming in and out of your life.

My life mainly revolves around my home, Bf's home and my work place now. Small social circle...But overall I believed I'm truly blessed. Because as much as they dislike me or my attitude OR maybe..Maybe' my face look too 'guai lan' already but they do care/love me (: 

Can't believe I used to say people don't love me enough. But now I look things differently, feel differently and think differently, I've now seen things in a new way that I couldn't see before. Blinded by all the nasty lies  told by many...

Cherished your loved ones including your enemies.

Wasted too much precious time on mindless things. Time won't slow down or go back but we can always move on and march bravely towards our future without repeating our past mistakes. 


So what? 

We still needs to move on with our life, time won't stop for anyone!

A human life is very limited, but death itself is forever, so why not make sure every second count? 
I still need the courage to move on. Many times in a day a same thought would flood my mind, I want to give up badly. But when I slowly think of all the others I have grown to love and care for, I won't give up!


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