Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Braces Journey: Prelude

Disclaimer: I think this will be one of my most disgusting post ever as I will be posting pictures of my teeth and gum...Please skip or ignore if you are the squirmy type :x

Never in my life would I expect myself to go have my teeth fixed, I don't have any major issue except one of my lower teeth is crooked. Nobody would realised anything unless I open my mouth super wide or deliberately show someone. I thought I could live with it for the rest of my life until one day after removing my last wisdom tooth, the dentist ask me if I had any plans to straighten my teeth. Because I had never thought of  fixing it before, I told the dentist no and never thought of it again. That was about 2 years ago.

Recently I went to have a my regular dental check-up, another dentist from Jurong Dental told me that if I can afford it, just go get it fixed. The position of that crooked teeth might cause some implications on the gums because it grew inwards. So whenever I brush or floss, I can't clean it properly. Since my friends also have braces on so I might as well go fix it now. 

Had my first appointment at NDC with Dr Ng on 13/03/15. Took x-rays, photographs and molds. Initially wanted to go for invisalign but it's too expensive for me so I went with braces instead. 

Went for my second appointment on 07/05/15, Dr Ng showed me my x-ray photographs, teeth mold and explain to me how the braces treatment work. He advise me to stay away from nuts and food that are hard. 
This is how my teeth mold looks like. 
Quite fascinating and I realised my mouth is quite small.
How my teeth looks when I clenched/close fully.
Revealing my hidden teeth :p
On the second visit with Dr Ng, he put 4 spacers in-between the teeth to create space.

It doesn't hurt when it's being inserted, it felt like pieces of food stuck in-between the teeth.
But as days goes by, it slowly starts to ache and you can feel your teeth shifting slightly. I can no longer chew big pieces of meat like I used to but it's a small temporary sacrifice I have to make ):
If I tried smiling with my mouth wide open.

Next appointment will be this Thursday, hopefully everything will go one smoothly :D
Looking forward to straighter and healthier teeth!

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