Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What's Going On

All good things have to come to a end, but when one door closes on you, another door will open for you. Life is fair.

I had recieve news yesterday that my guitar teacher won't be able to teach me anymore due to some other commitment yadayada. Guess that I have to relay on Youtube to learn new songs till I find a new teacher.

Sometimes I felt that I give myself too many different goals to reach, it is starting to have a toll on me. Yet, if I stop pursue-ing things, I will start feeling restless. Irony much.

Another thing thats bugging me is my bike practical lessons, when will I pass and get my 2B license? I have come this far already, I can't give up now. Every single time whenever I go for my bike practical, I ended up feeling super depress. I kept asking the same question over and over again inside my head, "why are you doing this?". Compared to driving practical, bike practical simply felt like torture!

Giving myself extra stress for no reason. Why can't I let go...Sigh.

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