Saturday, March 15, 2014

S.E.A Aquarium and Some Fun

Last Monday on 10th March 2014, me and Lebf went to Sentosa for our "date".
It's not easy going out together, my off days are only Mondays.
I have never visited Universal Studios Singapore.
Can anyone believe it!
Me and LeBF redeemed tickets to S.E.A Aquarium thanks to Starhub, and I noticed I still have quite a few more points to use. 

Maybe go USS or Adventure Cove next time?
Was taking some pictures nearby and Lebf suddenly shouted at me excitedly saying he saw "One Piece".
Turns out it is some Henna thingy. 
Before heading to the aquarium we have to experience a "Ship Wreck" at the Typhoon Theatre.
The entrance to the Theatre
There's a screen playing a short story on how the people needs to take a ship and deliver something important.

But halfway through the story I was so bored and tried leaving, but the staff actually locked the wooden doors which and be seen on the photo on top.

Soon after my escape attempt failed, an announcer spoke via loudspeaker inviting us to the Typhoon Theatre and I was like "isn't this the theater meh?".

Turns out the real the theatre is inside some hidden door.
The story we watched early outside is linked to the one we experience inside. 
Only manage to snap a picture of this only as photo and video is not allowed inside.
Basically it's a 4D experience, we set sail and sank, depressing eh?
When we "sanked" the whole theatre went down!
Once the ship hit rock bottom of the ocean floor, the door on the right open and revealed a sunken ship!
Our ship that had sunk :D
I'm so Hungry!
Played Luge and Skyride (:

Up up here we go~
Snap a picture and gave a super calm face but deep down I'm scared shitless ._.

The ride is so wobbly and I fear I might fall -.-
The view was amazing up there, don't mind going there and try again.

There's a few more attraction in Sentosa I wanted to try and play like Zipline and iFly.
Maybe next time!

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